Angelica Blick
This girl's style is awesome! I can't think of a single garment from her closet that I wouldn't want to own myself!
random 2.0

Right now I'm at the west coast in our yacht. We just got back from a trip to Smögen were we had lunch with some friends. The last couple of days up here has been truly wonderful! Great food, nice company, great weather - it couldn't have been any better! How's your vacation so far? :)
If I regret not buying these pants from Elin Kling's collection for H&M? Yes! If I'm lucky, there might be a pair left in my size in Malmö. Guess I'll have to check that on Monday!
So sorry for the lack of updates this week, I've just been so busy preparing for the upcoming week! On Monday morning I'm going to Malmö to pick up my cousin's confirmation gift. Later the same day, I'm meeting up with some friends for dinner followed by a night on the dancefloor! The following day, on tuesday, me and my family are going out on the sea - therefore the updates won't be as many as I might had wished for (don't know where or when I will have access to the internet), but I will try to update as much as possible!
June 25th
After a few hours drive I'm finally home. The rest of the day will be spent in front of the TV drinking a nice cup of tea while watching "Midsomer Murders". Won't update till tomorrow so enjoy your sunday! Hugs | sale
I guess non of you have missed's end of season sale? I just visited the website and I actually found lots of nice things! However, it remains to see whether I decide to buy something or not.
Been a bit too quiet here on the blog during the past week. My apologies for that but I haven't had any access to the internet until now. I'm spending the midsummer weekend at my grandparent's house and won't be home until Sunday. So, since this will be my only update during the weekend I would like to wish you all a happy midsummer! Kisses
btw. I'm considering to start writing in English here on the blog - how do you feel about that? Yes? No?
wanted: men's watch
En smygtitt på mitt nyaste tillskott i garderoben. En bild på hela plagget dyker upp inom kort!
Lyckan av att äntligen gått ut grundskolan är helt fantastisk! Detta kommer firas med middag med mamma och pappa ikväll för att imorgon dra ut på stan med mina girls. Nu ska jag lägga mig och lapa lite sol på verandan!
De lagom slitna jeansshortsen, den slappa t-shirten och den mönstrade jackan matchat med ett par enkla svarta sandaler - perfection.